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Eating Watermelon

Feeding Resources

This printable handout can be used for children who need to learn more about foods and gain familiarity. This food bingo handout is also a perfect and easy way to introduce foods without the pressure of trying the food.


This printable handout can be used for therapists or parents that want to implement tongue exercises for their feeding therapy clients. Strong tongue muscles are crucial for efficient and safe eating of harder to chew foods!


This Pinterest board provides several ideas on what feeding therapists can do during their sessions to help their children gain the confidence to eat a wide variety of food!

Pink Minimalist Cartoon Funny Background

This visual handout can be used for children that are learning to explore new or familiar foods. This place mat allows the child to feel and have control over what they are eating (helpful for non-verbal children)! There is an already filled-out place mat and a blank place mat to fill out with your desired words.

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